Tour De Fleece 2023

It’s day 14 of the Tour De Fleece. If you are interested in joining this group, see the link below.

What is Tour De Fleece? It’s an annual event that takes place the time as the famous bicycling race, Tour De France. Spinners from all over the world take to their wheels and spindles

The Tour de Fleece was initially conceived in 2006 by a group of fiber enthusiasts who wanted to combine their love for spinning with the excitement of the renowned cycling event, the Tour de France. Inspired by the cyclists’ endurance and dedication, they decided to create a spinning challenge that would run parallel to the cycling race. Since then, the Tour de Fleece has gained immense popularity, with thousands of spinners participating each year.

The primary objective of the Tour de Fleece is to motivate spinners to challenge themselves, set personal goals, and spin every day during the duration of the Tour de France. Participants often take this opportunity to explore new spinning techniques, experiment with different fibers, and complete unfinished projects. The event fosters a sense of community and encourages spinners to share their progress, ideas, and inspiration with others using social media platforms and dedicated online forums.

My challenge this year has been to spin every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes or five hours. I’ve been working through a Tunis fleece for the last few months. I took a short break to spin my carded Jacob fleece and returned to combing the Tunis. I truly enjoy watching everyone’s colorful pictures online and seeing their gorgeous wheels.