Weaving in the Ends

What does it mean to be me? Today is the anniversary of my mother’s death. Am I a daughter first? A wife? A mother? A creator? A writer? A fiber artist? An employee? I have a million pieces that make who I am and trying to explain it is like having to weave in the ends of an elaborate project. I say this after 1 – failing at my weaving a scarf on my baby wolf 2 – succeeding at weaving a tapestry project.

This year, for a whole year, I’m not allowed new projects, tasks, volunteers or pretty much anything that involves me extending myself. That started in February and I’ve already broken my commitment by agreeing to go full time at work. I desperately want to hit the art store and by a canvas and a load of acrylic paints but that would be messy, expensive and breaking my no new hobbies rule. Instead, I started a tapestry using a loom I already have and yarn from my closet.

I’m still trying to finish this baby off. It’s a mountain scene and what I’ve had in my head for years. I sit here today, trying to figure out how to end this piece, already weaving on another project on my peg loom, thinking, what would Mom say. I think she’d be happy with it- with all of it. Don’t get me wrong. She’d sprinkle some judgement on in there, but over all, deep inside, she’d be happy. It’s time to use more yarn now. Happy Creating!!!